Core Values
Loving God
We love God because God first loved us. We are made for a relationship with Him.
Loving People
Christ welcomes all people with gentleness and respect, and so we do likewise, recognizing that each person is an image bearer of our Creator. We do not fear difficult and sincere faith questions. We know that encountering Christ precedes healing and transformation.
We trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform each of us, knowing that each of us comes to Christ in our brokenness. The life of faith is a journey, and we encourage growth by teaching people to slow down and be mindful of the work of the Spirit in their lives.
Jesus is present with us at all times, in daily activities as much as during worship gatherings. As we grow in our faith, we learn to recognize the voice and leadership of Jesus.
The Bible is authoritative and unfailing. We submit to the truth of Scripture. We place a high priority on equipping all to read, understand, and apply the Bible to life.
We share life together, knowing we are meant to be courageously real with each other, to know others, and to be known. Healthy church relationships are accountable, caring, and grace-filled.
We seek to know God so that we can make Him known, and bring the hope of Jesus to our neighbors.